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Detox your Home and Body

September 23, 2020


Before Addressing Toxins

There are two parts to effective detoxification. The first step is to reduce toxic exposures and the second step is to enhance the body’s ability to eliminate toxins daily through the bowel, liver, gallbladder, lymphatic system, kidneys and skin.

Dr.Sangeeta Pati has found that when our energy levels and our sleep quality is improved, we are then able to more effectively address the toxins in our lives. Chasing toxins when you are feeling ill usually leads to further deterioration. 

Start your detoxification with the basics, which addresses over 75% of toxins. A few main components of optimizing this area include:

  • Drinking clean, structured water at least 100 ounces per day with pink salt and lemon. Water molecules comprise over 98% of all other molecules in human cells. Studies in the 1800’s actually show reversal of chronic disease with adequate water intake. 
  • Monitor AM urine pH. Aim for >6.7. With proper hydration and alkaline pH, the toxic acids and xenobiotics stored in the body fat are automatically eliminated, often returning optimal immune functions. ,,
  • Addressing the lining of the gastrointestinal system is critical. If there are gastric symptoms, live probiotics and enzymes are most beneficial to the improvement of your gut. Sometimes adding glutamine and aloe is necessary for significant gastric inflammation. Turns out most people have to add this step as well!

Usually after 90 days of constantly giving your body optimal water intake and probiotics, you will notice and feel significant improvement. Approaching Fibromyalgia.pdf 

When you have addressed these factors to your wellness, you are ready to address refined flour, preservatives, plastics, EMF, skin/body products and water and air quality! In this article, we share convenient, practical ways to address detoxifying your home and body through 1.) becoming aware of chemicals in sold products, and 2.) recipes for DIY Natural solutions.



Here are some of the best ways to reduce your toxic exposure, beginning in your home! Cleaning products don’t have to be made from harsh chemicals and toxins to get the job done, but the truth is, the market is saturated with these options. While it may seem convenient to purchase an already made detergent or home cleaner, before you do, download this app: to scan the barcode of your product in question.

The Think Dirty App  is able to rate each ingredient in your product for a safety rating of “Clean”, “Half N Half” or “Dirty”, so you know the quality of the ingredients you are putting onto your skin or using in your home.

What is applied to your skin is absorbed as if you put it in your mouth. So, if you would not eat it, remain cautious about applying it to your body. Even "organic" products may be preserved with toxins so look for essential oil preservatives on the label such as orange oil and lemon oil.

Choosing more natural options for the cleaning products used on your home, clothes, and body is one major component in reducing your exposure to toxins. A proactive choice would be to make your own products from natural ingredients!


Body Products

Be aware of:

  • Petroleum-based preservatives in skin and hair care products
  • Nail polish & Perfumes.


  • Make your own skin lotions with organic shea butter, coconut oil, jojoba, olive oil, and essential oils. 
  • For gentle cleansers: Look for products made with castile soap, potassium cocoate, and saponified coconut. 
  • Safe Moisturizers include: Items made with coconut oil, beeswax, and vitamin E. 
  • Control your sweat: For a safer alternative to the aluminum that is keeping your perspiration at bay, try baking soda, bamboo fibers, and arrowroot powder.
  • For detoxifying the skin: Opt for natural Clays!
  • Exfoliation: Sugar or Salt mixed with a healthy oil is a great exfoliator.
  • Alternative to Perfumes: Essential oils!! These are very popular now and with some research, you can find the quality, therapeutic-grade fragrances to keep you smelling nice without the horrible side-effects from synthetic fragrances.




Be aware of:

Detergents containing chemicals such as:

  • Sulfates
  • Fragrances
  • Phenols
  • Petroleum distillates


Make your own mix!

  1. 2 Tablespoons Sal Suds
  2. 1/4 cup baking soda 
  3. For an extra boost, add 1/4-1/2 cup white vinegar to the rinse cycle. This step is entirely optional but seems to help keep clothes from pilling and looking worn. (


Find and use Soap Nuts! (as shown in the photo above)

  1. Place 4-5 Soap Nuts in the reusable wash bag
  2. Put it in with your laundry and wash as normal
  3. Remove the bag at the end of the wash and set aside to dry or do another load
  4. Re-use up to 10 times* until they start to disintegrate (

Soap nuts are the berry-like fruit of the Sapindus Mukorrosi tree, found mainly in the Himalayas. The berries are gathered, their seeds are removed and they’re dried in the sun.

Because they’re grown organically and then dried, they really are 100% natural. They’re also gentle, biodegradable, antimicrobial, and low-sudsing, making them safe for high-efficiency washers. (


Household Cleaners

Lissa Coffey from Coffey Talk® created a wonderful list of natural DIY alternatives to some of our everyday common cleaning products.

All-Purpose Cleaner

  • ½ cup white vinegar
  • 10 drops essential oil (tea tree, lavender, or lemon)
  • 2 Tablespoons baking soda
  • Water to fill up a 12 ounce spray bottle

Combine vinegar, essential oils, and a small amount of water in a clean, 12-ounce spray bottle. Add baking soda, then fill the bottle to the top with water. Shake gently to mix ingredients.

Toilet Cleaner


  • 1 cup vinegar
  • ½ teaspoon tea tree essential oil
  • ½ cup baking soda

Mix vinegar and essential oil in a spray bottle. Spray on toilet bowl, base, seat, and lid. Add baking soda around bowl, scrub with a toilet brush. When all clean use paper towels to wipe down all areas sprayed with the solution.

Wood Polish


  • ¾ cup olive oil
  • ¼ cup white vinegar
  • 30 drops essential oil (lemon or orange)

Combine all ingredients in a spray bottle and shake to mix. Spray directly on wooden surface and wipe down with a clean, dry cloth. Shake before use.

Much more including Carpet and Window cleaner


Electromagnetic Frequency (EMFs)


This includes:

  • Cell phones
  • WiFi
  • SMARTmeter
  • Airplanes
  • Hospital radiology departments

Ways to combat EMF at home:

  • Keep cell phones, WiFi, electronic clocks, and computers at least 8 feet distance, especially where you sleep. 
  • Turn off WiFi at night!
  • Protect your home by applying Volcanic Ash (Dragonite from PRL) around the entire house, 2 feet deep and around SMART Meters)
  • Remove SMART Meters through the electric company
  • Apply energy tested EMF protection device to your phone (q-disk or Defender Shield)

Toxins and Your Body

In the Blue-Zones where people live healthy, productive lives to above the age of 80, daily detoxification is naturally enhanced due to the structure of the water, colloidal minerals in the soil, and general lack of toxins in the environment to begin with. 

Most of us are exposed daily to high levels of toxins through chemicals in our body products, cleaning products, household furniture, pesticides, and preservatives in our food, water contaminants, heavy metals, and electromagnetic radiation.

These toxins lodge in the bowel, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, lymphatic system, skin, and especially fat tissue! 

Toxic build-up contributes to inflammatory conditions like:

  • Allergies and sinus conditions
  • Skin conditions (such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis)
  • Joint pain, arthritis
  • Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia
  • Digestive problems (such as irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, and inflammatory bowel disease)
  • Hormonal imbalance (such as PMS, PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, and menopausal symptoms)
  • Weight gain
  • Alzheimer’s, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol
  • Cancer

Detoxification aids the body to function optimally by stimulating the body's natural means of processing and eliminating. It reverses the body’s acidic state and oxygenates the cells so they can function optimally!